Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sport Supplements

Sports drinks. Sports bars. Sports pills.

They claim to enhance your performance, hydrate you, or give you extra energy. But do they really?

Sport supplements can put you at a slight advantage if properly used, but they can also damage you, slowly, if a supplement is abused. For instance, sport drinks have quite the bad habit of gradually disintegrating your teeth. Since the said person drinking the sports drink is usually low in fluids, he would have little saliva in his mouth. Therefore, the lack of saliva allows the acidity in sports drinks to become three times more harmful as opposed to the consumption of regular water.

Also, even if that certain bar or some drink claims to be able to replenish vitamins and minerals lost during exercise, it may be full of sugar as well. Popular brands of sports drinks can have as much sugar as soda -- meaning it can contain up to eight teaspoons of the stuff per eight ounces of liquid. They also can contain lots of caffeine.

Sport bars -- energy bars, rather -- are also popular in today's busy no-time-for-food society. Since they come with no mess, no hassle and are somewhat nutritious (relatively speaking, since the average Western diet isn't so nutritious), they appear to the the right choice when it comes to a meal. But think again; the name "energy bar" simply means that it will provide you with a few calories, not leaving you bouncing with energy.

Instead of chugging your favorite energy drink, consider drinking water instead. Or, replace that energy bar with an apple or banana. A fresh, natural fruit is way better than eating some processed food.


Written by Ashley D.

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