About Macronutrients:
A macronutrient is a nutrient that delivers energy or calories to your body. Since macro means large, macronutrients need to be consumed in large amounts in order for the body to perform at an optimum level of activity. Macronutrients are split into three groups: Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats/Lipids.
Carbohydrates need to be consumed in the largest amounts. They are the body's main source of energy/calories, and carbohydrates are essential to the function of organs. The brain, the heart, the nervous system, the kidneys, and muscles depend on carbohydrates to keep working because they supply the necessary energy to perform tasks.
Starchy foods contain carbohydrates known as sugar. These carbohydrates are very easy for the body to get energy from which is why they are so important for energy needs.
Carbohydrates also come from foods rich in fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is unable to be digested by the human body. These carbohydrates simply pass through the digestive tract and help to move wastes out of the body. They are important for keeping the inside of the body healthy and clean.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy so they are the most important for all different kinds of exercise. Carbohydrates supply energy the fastest of the three macronutrients. It is the only nutrient that can keep you energized when you are doing activities that are anaerobic. It also supplies lots of energy for aerobic exercises; carbohydrates are altogether good for you.
You can get carbohydrates from foods like breads, grains, fruits, milk, yogurt, beans, and nuts.
Because they are so important for energy and cleaning, the recommended daily intake for carbohydrates is 45-65% of caloric intake. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.
One of proteins primary functions is growth. Protein is necessary to build muscle and develop correctly early in life. Additionally, protein can help to repair body tissues, control immune function, and create enzymes and hormones. Protein can also supply energy when the body's carbohydrate stores are depleted.
Proteins are so important for teens because they help us to grow and develop, they are especially important to teen athletes because it builds the muscle needed to do sports. Proteins are also important to make sure that athletes don't get too many injuries and if they do, proteins help to repair the tissues, tendons, ligaments or bones that were injured.
Generally, foods like red meat, poultry, and fish contain high levels of protein. Others foods that contain protein are milk, and nuts.
Because of their importance, proteins should be 20-35% of one's daily caloric intake; proteins deliver 4 calories per gram.
Fats, much like carbohydrates, supply the body with energy. However, fat is much harder to get energy from, because of this, fats are often stored and used for other processes like cell membrane maintenance, cushioning organs, keeping us warm and absorbing vitamins.
Fats are an important part of an athletes diet because fats can contribute as much as 75% of the energy used during prolonged aerobic workouts. If a teen athlete is active for more than an hour, most of the energy used will be coming from fat storage.
There are four types of fats:
- Saturated fats come from mainly animal products: things like butter, milk, and cheese. These fats are usually the unhealthiest; saturated fats are responsible for the majority of heart and cardiovascular health issues.
- Unsaturated fats come from vegetable products: canola oil, olive oil, and avocados. Unsaturated fats can lower the risk of heart disease and blockage problems. These fats are divided into two categories: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are considered moderately healthy whereas polyunsaturated fats actually protect against cardiovascular risks.
- Essential Fatty Acids are found in oily fish, nuts, and some vegetables. These fats are needed to keep the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and reproductive systems healthy. Like unsaturated fats, essential fatty acids are also considered to help prevent blood vessel blockages.
- Cholesterol is the fourth type of fat. Cholesterol is divided into two categories: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is 'bad' cholesterol because it sticks to the walls of arteries and clogs them up. However, HDL is 'good' cholesterol because it takes the LDL deposits and breaks them down, removing hem from the arteries.
With cholesterol, the rule is moderation.
In general, the daily intake of fats or lipids is 10-35% of caloric intake; fats deliver 9 calories per gram.
Written by Zack
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